The Times, They Are A Changin’

I promise there is good reason for my cliche blog post title. Well, maybe not good reason, but reason enough.  I have recently made the incredibly tough, but hopefully right, decision to take the leap from working full-time for someone else and only part-time for myself, to working full-time as a Wedding & Event Coordinator for Get-Christine! I have booked more than double the amount of couples I am working with this year compared to last year, and I’ve already started booking into next year.

Additionally, there have been some major changes at the office I work for in that, I was presented with the opportunity to take on more responsibilities and hours than I was already working. Though it would have been a great chance for me to grow and mature with the company, and get even more work experience, I did not feel that it would be fair to the brides and couples I am already working with to take on more responsibilities elsewhere that would keep me from giving my heart and soul to my business. And so, the time had come for me to make a decision that I had no idea would come so soon.  Instead of putting in more time for my day job, I am putting all my time in on me! I am having very mixed emotions about the journey I am about to embark on, but I know that there are great things to come in my future.

I am looking forward to what the future has in store for me and I am forever grateful for the opportunity that Talari Networks gave to me. I will never regret the two years I spent working there because I learned a whole lot about many different things, and I met lots of wonderful people and made incredible bonds that I don’t expect to lose anytime soon.

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In making this decision, I am opening up my schedule to have more time to blog, plan and schedule stylised photo-shoots, host DIY arts & crafts events for my brides, and meet with couples, brides and their vendors during the day and not just at night! I am more than excited to plan and execute more weddings and events and that I’ll have even more time to write about my journey along the way.

I still have a few open dates for 2016 and plenty in 2017! 🙂

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